
Furniture (mostly all) in place! Spent the evening color-coordinating my bookshelf, putting up light strings, eating watermelon and having my first movie night at the apartment, followed by a long bike ride home at dusk, which was rly nice.. the air thick w/ the scent of flowers, a warm breeze in yr face, barely any people on the streets, everything's quiet, it's just you and yr bike, swooping down that perfect curve, thighs burning, worn-out boots stomping down on the pedals, ears chilled and aching, lungs heaving and yr parched but perfectly content, noticing all the lil details around you; a patch of weeds pushing its way through concrete, sprays of yellow flowers lining the sidewalks, endless white lines disappearing beneath you, the fading sun staining the horizon pink, and when you look at the sky, you can't even tell where one color turns into another.

I've missed riding my bike.


Things are happening at the Rabbit Hole! I took a trip to IKEA and came home w/ a lotta stuff.. it just kinda piled up, but it was mostly home essentials and some important furniture. I managed to put together some shelves on my own (mostly, anyway) and I'm actually rly proud of myself. The last few days have been pretty exhausting and I'm not handling it all too well, but it's all starting to come together now and I'm trying to stay positive and stick it out.


I sewed a banner for my apartment today! Lately I've been kinda overwhelmed and anxious and it's rly fucking up my body but getting behind a sewing machine and making something cute made me feel better (at least for a lil while.)
So pleased w/ the outcome and I can't wait to put it up!


Spellworkin' in the evening sun.


Hung out on my balcony in between carrying boxes and unpacking. The apartment is coming along slowly..



I rode my bike to the glade down by the river to celebrate the summer solstice. Set up a nice lil' altar and spent a while underneath these beautiful old oak trees, in the midst of overgrown ferns and fallen branches.. Remember to take a moment to appreciate nature once in a while, yeah?